25,000 miles. Twenty five thousand miles.
That’s a lot of driving. We’ve been called crazy. And inspiring. We’ve visited some amazing destinations on our year-long road trip, but you gotta get there somehow. So, we’ve done a LOT of driving. We paused to think about all the states we’ve driven through (THIRTY!!! Scroll all the way to the bottom to check out the map!) and all the landscapes we’ve seen along the way when our odometer recently read 25,000 miles.
We’ve taken plenty of great pictures of a hard earned view from a tough hike, or from an isolated mountain top, but there’s no denying we’ve seen some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country without the need to even step outside our vehicle. The miles and moments in between the destinations have filled the pages of our journey.
Are you ready for a view from the front seat? Great. Here’s what 25,000 miles looks like.

We hope you enjoyed a brief highlight tour capturing a glimpse of 25,000 miles on the road. Check out more of our life on the road via our blog or Instagram and stay tuned for more sights and adventures.
Below is a map of all the states (in brown) that we’ve been through so far…still more to go!