Question: Is the glass truly half empty or half full?
Answer: It doesn’t matter. Because you’re the brewer!

After brewing the first successful batch of beer this year, I have elected to name it “Liquid Luck”. Although, in the Harry Potter film, an elixir of the same name was brewed and used by Harry to aid in defeating the Dark Lord, this is not why I chose to give it the name.
As I started bottling the freshly fermented foreign extra stout, I poured myself the first bit into a glass to savor as I prepared to fill the lineup of bottles. Grabbing the glass in hand, I took a big sip when the age old question suddenly dawned on me…Is the glass now half empty, or half full?
Alone in the beer lab (aka the kitchen) and having only myself to ponder the question, it occurred to me that after 30+ years of hearing that question, I finally realized: the glass represents our life; and it’s contents represent everything IN our lives. The beer is merely a metaphor of our physical possessions, physical conditions, our failures, our triumphs, and in other words, our “luck”.
And then BOOM!!! Like a stadium light being turned on, my brain was flooded with the real answer of half empty or half full. It doesn’t matter!!! I just brewed my own luck, and I can always pour more.
Don’t focus on the glass. Focus on the ability to fill it. The ability to create for ourselves a never-empty-glass. Now I’m not the finest brewer, so I can speak from experience when I say anyone, anyone, can do it. It just takes some discipline and dedication. And literally, everyone can brew a better life for themselves, if they’re willing to get their hands wet in creating it.
Here are two questions to ask yourself:
#1) What am I proud of accomplishing this week that was a worthy challenge?
#2) What challenge will I take on next week that will have a positive impact on my life?
The glass of life is never half empty when you keep the keg of your creation full and flowing.
Happy brewing to you this year!
Anny says
Thanks for the uplifting message! Looking forward to the next post!
Matt says
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the feedback!
Dan m says
very strong my friend
Matt says
Thank you, Dan!
Dan says
That was a good one! Great perspective…I’ll probably have a beer now.
Matt says
Thank you! Cheers my friend!