Why the Oregon Trail reference? Well, if you’re following along on our journey, you know we’re on a year-long adventure of growing our business and exploring the massively diverse beauty of the United States. However, before we officially set off on our adventure, we loaded our new horse and wagon (i.e. truck and travel trailer) and drove up from Cleveland to Michigan to spend a week with our awesome family.
When it was time to go, it was hard. And could have led to lots of tears. However, we knew it was just good-bye for now, and not forever. After all, it’s not the Oregon Trail and a Conestoga wagon, it’s not, “Good-bye, I’ll never see you again,” or “Wish me luck with the cholera outbreaks!”

In all seriousness, we’re able to pursue this journey because of modern technology. We have a cozy home on the road and a mini-workshop to run our business in our travel trailer, with reliable transportation. Giddy up!
We also have wi-fi, a data plan, cast iron cookware and social media. Online orders roll in and we create and ship inspirational artwork from wherever we happen to be. (It’s a modern day Pony Express!) We are sharing the inspiration of our adventure via blog posts, pics on Facebook and Instagram as well as videos on YouTube. We’re also emailing, texting, calling, FaceTime/Skyping, and sending the occasional telegraph.
Geez, that’s a LOT of technology. Fortunately, we’re going to unplug along the way as well. Enjoying the journey and the beauty of our national parks can’t be accomplished if our faces are glued to our screens constantly. We could miss herds of buffalo! In fact, I think we can all admit less screen time would be a big improvement in all our lives. Our technology is a double edged buck-knife. It give us an opportunity to keep in touch with our loved ones, but it can also consume our time, attention and the beauty of the present moment in front of all of us. But not if we consciously set down the screen, look around, smile, take a deep breath and enjoy the people and experiences right in front of us.
So, we’re not saying goodbye forever, rather good-bye for now. And see you on the journey. And hello to new experiences, new people and new adventures.
We’re extremely grateful for the love, support and quality family time in Pure Michigan. Feel free to scroll through some of our picture highlights, but then I encourage you to set your screen down and create some of your own highlights without any technology at all.
Yee haw! Live Life Inspired!
P.S. I make no apologies for my excessive Oregon Trail references. Actually, I do. But they still make me giggle.