Here’s to the Inspiration Nation.
The outliers, the one-offs, the rebellious few who plant oaken seed dreams without borders or rivals. For an ever growing alliance awakens each day becoming more aware of a life of inspired doing!
Born from every day origins, these revolutionaries are unaffected by the limitations imposed by others.
Gone are the days of play-it-safe, fall-in-line, and don’t-venture-too-far. These Dreamer-Darer-Doer’s actually take risks and are willing to shun titles and personal financial “security” in pursuit of the real greater good. They work hard and smart, ignoring the mind-numbing, deafeningly loud, Lemming chatter all around them. They are rebels…and rebels won’t rest on past accomplishments.
They have ambition and are honest with themselves and those around them. They know they are imperfect and have mortal limits. For this reason, they plant one foot in reality to ground themselves, and let the rest of their spirit and body venture out in pursuit of all that they can experience and accomplish in their short existence.
Led by their DREAMS and gripped tightly by their DARES, they blaze a trail of DOing, and along the way, inspire others to awaken from their DREAMS and DARE to DO it better.
Not a member of this pack? I DARE you to wake up and join.
Dream. Dare. Do….and Live Inspired,