An Ohio Snow Python?
Finish this sentence: “It’s all fun and games until…”
I’m pretty sure we can all think of a funny one liner to finish that sentence. I’d be willing to bet news meteorologists come up with lively ways to finish it and fool us every morning, eating their Trix cereal, while evilly tapping their fingers Mr. Burns style.
Case in point, last Tuesday it was 60 degrees and sunny out as I raked leaves in my shorts. No less than 40 hours later, we were getting buried in 8 inches of snow in Chardon. Thanks for the heads up weather guys and gals! Luckily, the trusty Craftsman snow-eater was on standby. She gobbles up snow and throws it at my dogs with a voracious appetite. Dogs love snow blowers!
As I was clearing my last path, I was suddenly frozen with fear when I noticed a 20 foot snake lunging at me with incredible speed through the snow. Holy EXPLETIVE, I thought. A snow python! I saw it from 15 feet out, uncoiling itself as fast as it could as it cut through the snow diving under the blower towards me. BOOM!!!! Just like that this cold blooded monster froze up the blades and killed my engine. Confused, and with tremulous fear, I walked around the front of the now silent machine to see the damage the mighty serpent made. And that’s when it occurred to me, to finish my own sentence…It’s all fun and games until…you run over the garden hose with the snow blower!
Laugh Often and Live Inspired!
PS…this incident inspired the Destination Tree Driftwood Sign: “Be Brave. Be You.” By the way, I was much braver once I discovered the snow python was a garden hose, but still a good reminder none the less. 🙂